Left Wing Right Wing: Two arms one heart and one mind.
The deciding factor on "the mark" of the beast is not a chip - it's gonna come down to a holy day... the one given to humanity in the beginning of this world.
Even the athiest has to concede;
this world did have a beginning.
.. and the end of this world as we know it revolves around that beginning.
Left Wing Christians and the Social Creed
Seems to be few marksmen in the world today whom target the same enemy as I. We keep shooting at each other rather than targeting our world-wide enemy... The devil.
Seems also; we should use our weapons of mass redemption. Jesus Christ; through the Holy Spirit.
There's a lot of bad apples in the barrel... David Pakman discusses one.
Abortion bill would enable death penalty for miscarriages Website commentary: "David: An anti-abortion bill, another one, has been introduced by Representative Bobby Franklin. I don't have to tell you which party he's a member of, you know, I know, we all know."
“Kos” and “Daily Kos” are registered trademarks of Kos Media, LLC
A sample comment from a person viewing this video from Youtube: These "christian" terrorist fundamentalists are a threat to this nation, yet are ignored by most including the media because they are white..."
Hmm.. So is it (The Bill) or is it (the Party) that we're angry with? All the blog on this Youtube video seems to be about hating the right-wing Christian ..
Yes that bill is morbid; a monster - all wrong.
If I am a member of (that party of which you know, I know, we all know..) my principles are not wrong unless I blindly or knowingly support that bill. However... as long as we're shooting arrows.. I might as well submit:
It's simply above my pay-grade to decide on abortion... after all.. that's what my president said when running for office. (Obama) in case your memory has slipped.
For-real; Can't we (American citizens) just vote that bill-away without throwing the whole party over-board? Perhaps look at the underlying motivation? For both main parties have the same leaders if you go high enough up the chain of command. And those leaders want to instigate fights - from voters, workers, teachers, and nationalities.
Or.. perhaps we should throw (both parties) over-board and then we could actually become One Nation Under God rather than a divided nation under some party affiliation. What a novel idea.
oh.. I forgot.. can we agree on who God is? If not; we will never be one nation under Him again. Now I don't have to tell you which party opposes Christianity.. you know, I know, we all know....
The Christian left is a term originating in the United States, used to describe a spectrum of left-wing Christian political and social movements which largely embraces social justice.
Social justice is based on the concepts of human rights and equality and involves a greater degree of economic egalitarianism through progressive taxation, income redistribution, or even property redistribution.
Oh .. founded by a Jesuit ... got it .. "social justice" was coined by the Jesuit Luigi Taparelli in 1840 based on the teachings of St. Thomas Aquinas and given further exposure in 1848 by Antonio Rosmini-Serbati" ..en.wikipedia.org/
Christians may be attending a church that promotes left wing agenda's and are counted as a left wing Christian. I mean.. there must be a left wing Christian in order to have right-wing-Christian opposition.. right?
It is too late. It is gone, right along with the conservative Lutheran Church in which I grew up.
My I implore you to learn all you can about the National Council of Churches. This ugly group is all about promoting Communisim/Socialism and every other left wing agenda you can think of.
For everyone, here is the list of "churches" that belong to the National Council of Churches. They are not churches at all--they are nothing more than a liberal wing of the radical Democrat party.
African Methodist Episcopal Church The African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church Alliance of Baptists American Baptist Churches in the USA Diocese of the Armenian Church of America Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Christian Methodist Episcopal Church Church of the Brethren The Coptic Orthodox Church in North America The Episcopal Church Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Friends United Meeting Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Hungarian Reformed Church in America International Council of Community Churches Korean Presbyterian Church in America Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church Mar Thoma Church Moravian Church in America Northern Province and Southern Province National Baptist Convention of America National Baptist Convention, U.S.A., Inc. National Missionary Baptist Convention of America Orthodox Church in America Patriarchal Parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church in the USA Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends Polish National Catholic Church of America Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. Reformed Church in America Serbian Orthodox Church in the U.S.A. and Canada The Swedenborgian Church Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch Ukrainian Orthodox Church of America United Church of Christ The United Methodist Church
31 posted on 09/24/2010 3:04:58 PM PDT
by Conservativegreatgrandma
This 28-minute DVD is a professionally produced documentary introducing both the 1908 and 2008 Social Creeds and the church’s prophetic concerns in the century in between. Presbyterian and ecumenical leaders speak to why and how the church has used it voice and built structures for economic, racial, women’s and environmental justice. A final section looks at how the Social Creed can help address new challenges to Christian social witness in the 21st Century.
SOCIAL CREED History Influenced by the Social Gospel movement and the Progressive politics of early 20th century America, the Church wrote and adopted the creed in 1908. It has been altered through the years, and still appears in The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church, following the Social Principles section.[1] en.wikipedia.org/
Progressive politics? In Christianity? My opinion? Too much hate today against non-progressive Christians. Global politics. Global propaganda on "the common good."
Good intentions.. like every time. Perhaps a plan concocted by evil - yet with passion toward mankind; the tool to be used to bait-and-switch the power "from the people" who believe in what's righteous "to the corrupt" who wield that power without mercy. By good people going for greed, the righteous hope of the people is yet again; broken in pieces.
Our true enemy roams the earth; seeking whom he may devour; and the social creed has been driven to his end; it is a piece of the means. The devil knows that guns don't kill people. People do. In time; his laugh will perish forever.
Left wing, Right wing, No wing - conservative, liberal, independent, progressive; ((I DON'T CARE ))
the common citizen just wants to live; and we shall. Because of the good news: "The meek shall inherit the earth." The battles won; the War over; the people; will prevail - thanks to our common Creator.
P.S., Here's another laundry list of church denominations that have banded together for some common cause.. or not: World Council of Churches. (their own site) oikoumene.org/en/member-churches.html
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgI6tuz4OPs
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7lN5ivpGR0
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Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth. Holy Bible, Matthew 5:5